Wednesday 6 March 2013

Interview with Jacob (Priya and Minh Tri)

Interviewer: Good Morning Mr Jacob! How are you today? Thank you for granting this exclusive interview with you.

Interviewer: Do you mind telling us what happened that day? We understand that the Mr Rellik was trying to hitch a ride from your family. Were you for the idea and why?

Jacob: No, I wasn't for the idea. We were near the mental asylum for the criminals, which was known as the East Suffolk Maximum Security Prison for the Criminally insane. The area was also empty. He must have escaped from there. It was too risky.

Interviewer: What was your first impression of the hitchhiker, Mr Rellik?

Jacob:He looks like a killer, a criminal! One that just escaped from the mental asylum. I'm sure.

Interviewer: Why did you attack Mr Rellik in the end?

Jacob: I wanted to save my family. What are the odds? He would murder us all! Did you see his smile and how he mouthed about he was going to kill me?

Interviewer: What happened after you attacked Mr Rellik?

Jacob: Everyone just hates me! No one ever believes me They sent me to that place again!

Interviewer: What did the people here in Farfields tell you about Mr Rellik? Do you believe him? Why?

Jacob: I saw with my own eyes, I heard with my own ears. I was never wrong! How could they not believe me! Especially lying about his name! I heard it! Clearly!

Interviewer: Can you tell us more about your brother Eddy?

Jacob: He was a big bully. He tried to bully me that day, trying to throw my treasured pen given by my grandfather to the railway track. I snatched it back and he just fell! The train came andd...

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your time.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Arrowood, click the youtube logo beside the fullscreen button if it doesn't work.
